
Bring the Health Club Sauna Home

This article originally appeared on Finnleo Saunas.

With all of us spending more time at home, unable to get to, or uncomfortable going to the health club, now is the perfect time to add a sauna to your home or cabin!

A sauna is an expected amenity at health clubs—used for recovery after a workout, a place to relax and unwind while gaining all the health benefits of sauna bathing. With so many health clubs closed, more and more people are bringing the health club sauna home. With your own home sauna, you can still get your sauna bathing sessions, but in the comfort of your own home to enjoy at any time.

In addition to the Top 11 Health Benefits of sauna bathing, there are four important advantages of having your own sauna in the comfort and privacy of your home:

1. A more personalized home sauna experience creates the perfect environment to relax and reinvigorate yourself.

You may notice a greater sense of relaxation in your own sauna. With little distraction, you can enjoy a completely relaxing experience.

2. Your home sauna is a tech-free zone; a relaxing environment for socializing with family and friends.

Constantly online and with an ever-diminishing attention span, we are often not as focused on our near and dear ones as we wish we were. The sauna offers a sanctuary where we get to unwind and give each other our undivided attention. Spending some time together in the sauna offers a great “tech pause,” allowing for thoughtful communication and silent contemplation.

You could also plan a “spa” night—solo or with family and friends. Every seasoned sauna bather agrees – it feels wonderful! As we progress through our stressful everyday lives, the sauna provides a pampering retreat – where we can relax and restore body and soul. Are you having problems getting your teenager to look up from iPads and smartphones? They will soon learn to enjoy the tech-free zone of the sauna.

3. A personal sauna gives you complete control over the healthy sauna experience.

With your own sauna you can adjust your sauna session to your liking—temperature, time, sound and lights. You control the sauna temperature and humidity to what you like best. Humidity can be adjusted to your liking by the amount of water sprinkled on the rocks. Add soft music with the Bluetooth sauna control or sauna bathe in calming silence. You may change the sauna lights to different colors to fit your mood or simply dim the lighting to the most soothing level. Add Eucalyptus to your water for additional benefits and a mood-enhancing sauna experience.

4. You can sauna any time of day and even multiple times of day if you choose.

With your own sauna, there is no time clock (and no travel time) to restrain you from a rejuvenating sauna session. A sauna can be enjoyed as a start-your-day pick-me-up or at end-of-day following a workout or simply as a stress reducer to induce a deeper sleep.

Ready to add a sauna to your space? Contact us today.