
Health Benefits

Sauna Routine to Improve Sleep and More Health Benefits

This article originally appeared on Whether you have visited a sauna before or you are completely new to the benefits of taking a sauna break you may not have considered the benefits saunas provide your sleep routine. Going to the sauna can help you sleep better. This is ideal for individuals who want to … Read More

Will 20 Minutes in My Hot Tub Really Matter?

This article was first published online at We truly believe it will. At Waterworks, we believe it because we live it, and 20-minute renewal is part of our daily lives. From personal experience, we believe that 20-minutes a day can help you release tension, relax muscles and let go of all the clutter in … Read More

7 Ways a Hot Tub Can Change Your Life

This article was first published online at Shopping for a hot tub? This decision can truly change your life. It sounds dramatic, but it’s true. And we’ll prove it in the 2 or so minutes it takes to read this blog! To determine the real value of a home spa, weigh the cost of … Read More

Hot Tub Circuit Therapy

Learn how Hot Tub Circuit Therapy® can boost your wellness regimen. This unique hydrotherapy routine is only available with our Caldera® Spas found at The Waterworks Spas and Saunas. This routine creates the ultimate hydromassage experience, targeting the various points throughout your entire body. From seat to seat...

We’re always about sharing great tips. You’ll find this week tip about wrist and hand exercises, especially perfect if you suffer from Arthritis or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. These hand and wrist exercises are great to help you increase finger, hand, and wrist mobility and range of motion.     Another great place to look for … Read More

Spending time in your hot tub has become more than a luxury this days but a highly pleasurable experience with several health benefits, too. Plus you’re probably the envy of the neighborhood.  Here’s 5 reasons soaking is highly beneficial for your health and well-being. Circulation When you step into a hot tub the heat of … Read More

Work, kids, house projects…the list goes on. And by the end of the day you may be left with aches, pains and stress. Owning a hot tub now-a-days is more than a luxury it’s a necessity, especially as our lives get busier and busier. It might be just what the doctor ordered to help you … Read More